About Us

The love for all things SPARKLY, began as long as I can remember. As a child growing up in the Hispanic culture, gold jewelry was a staple of my everyday outfits. A fist full of rings and a wrist full of gold bangles, jewelry was just part of my everyday life.

As I got older the trends changed and fun, playful new jewelry was available everywhere! Until unfortunately, my skin broke out in rashes! I was unable to wear the fun trendy pieces all my friends had.

My misfortune led up to the metals used in these cheap trendy pieces. Nickel, brass and other alloys are among the most popular and inexpensive metals used to make jewelry. After doing my research, I came to find that sterling silver, stainless steel and solid gold are hypoallergenic metals for those with skin sensitivity.

And what a wonderful way to share my experience by providing fun hypoallergenic jewelry to everyone who enjoys the SPARKLY like me. And of course, I do it all with love. 🖤